Bible Journal Through the Year Chronologically with 12 Bible Eras
On January 1, 2023 we begin the 12 Bible Era Classes studying one Bible Era Era each month. Receive access to a new class every month (with or without a kit depending on the option you choose). There are four to five lessons a week.
Q&A Live Webinar
On Saturday, December 31 at 3:00 pm CT I will do a Live Q&A Zoom Webinar to answer questions about the 12 Bible Era Classes. You don't want to miss it.
Free Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 889 7577 2888 Passcode: 453126
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbwzvDcRx7
If you can't attend todays Live Q&A Webinar post your question in the Bible Journal Love Facebook Group and I will answer in the Webinar and hopefully you can watch the replay (no promises as the recordings don't always work correctly).
Monthly Schedule
Don't Skip 3/4 of the Bible!
The Bible is one unified story don't miss 3/4 by only reading the NT.