My grandmother was the kindest, most loving, and giving person I have ever known. Her warmth touched everyone she met. Every nurse who cared for her noted that she never complained, always offering a smile even in moments of pain or discomfort. At her funeral, many shared how she never said a negative word about anyone. Words cannot fully capture the depth of my love for her or the love she poured into my life.
A Life of Service and Devotion
At just 17, my grandmother became the youngest graduate of the Salvation Army Officer’s School. She served faithfully for over 50 years with the Salvation Army Home League, living out its motto: “I will live a pure life in my house…”(Psalm 101:2b). When she passed, she was buried in her Salvation Army uniform, with a banner on her coffin proclaiming, “Promoted to Heaven.”
Introducing Me to Jesus
Grandma is the reason I know Jesus. She told me Bible stories, took me to church, and, most importantly, showed me Christ’s unconditional love. She helped me memorize Scripture (and even the capitals of 49 states). Her prayers, unwavering and fervent, sustained me throughout my life. I felt the grace of her prayers in moments when I needed it most. She was the spiritual pillar I could always rely on to lift me, my children, and my grandchildren in prayer.
A Love for Music
Grandma loved singing hymns and playing the piano, even though throat issues meant she couldn’t sing well. Her enthusiasm, however, made up for any shortcomings. She taught me songs like Jesus Loves Me, Deep and Wide, This Little Light of Mine, and Onward Christian Soldiers. These songs became a cherished legacy passed down through my children and grandchildren.
Cherished Memories by the Lake
Some of my favorite childhood memories were made at Grandma's house in Sebring, Florida. From ages two to five, I lived with my grandparents in a cozy two-room cabin by the lake. Poppy etched “Robin’s Roost” on the walkway he poured to the lake—a memory still standing today.
Later, they built a larger home next door, brick by brick, paying as they went. Visits there were filled with home-cooked meals, bedtime stories, beautiful flower gardens, and afternoons spent swimming, fishing, or napping on the screened porch. The breeze off the lake, mingled with the scent of flowers, was like a lullaby.
Lessons in the Garden
When my grandparents moved to North Carolina, I followed. We went to church and Bible studies together, and Grandma taught me how to plant and grow vegetables. Over time, our family garden shifted to my house. I cherish the hours spent with Grandma snapping beans, making jam, and learning to preserve the harvest. She taught me the art of pickling and making the fluffiest buttermilk biscuits.
Seeds of Faith and Heritage
Grandma planted seeds of faith that continue to grow. She introduced me to Corrie Ten Boom, Richard Wurmbrand, and others, sparking my deep interest in Jewish history. Her influence led me to promote books about the Christian’s Hebrew heritage in the homeschool community. The fruits of her influence are evident in my family, my books, and my ministry.
Her Final Lesson: God’s Perfect Timing
When we received the call that Grandma might have had a stroke, my husband and I prayed. Three days later, we felt led to go. Arriving at her bedside, her bright blue eyes opened, and she tried to speak. She hadn’t responded to anyone in days, but she recognized me. I knew she had been waiting for me.
The next day, surrounded by family, she went to be with the Lord. I will never forget the precious moments we shared. She had often told me to remember Ecclesiastes 7:1:
“The day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.”
A Legacy of Faith and Prayer
At the funeral, I realized the shell before me was not my grandmother. She was with Jesus, free and whole. I thanked God for guiding us to be there in her final hours. Her last lesson to me was profound: nothing is too small to bring to God in prayer. His timing is always perfect.
God leads us step by step if we listen. Looking back, we see His hand in every moment. As Romans 12:2 reminds us, we are called to discern His good and perfect will.
Eternal Joy
Grandma is now worshiping God with the beautiful voice she always dreamed of having. I thank God for her life, her prayers, and the precious memories she left behind. Her influence lives on in the faith she nurtured in me and in the generations that follow.
Rest in peace, Grandma. I can’t wait to see you again in your beautiful new home.