Our two Great Pyrenees puppies, Peppy and Precious, have brought immense joy—and the occasional sleepless night—to our home. They are bundles of fur and love, but Peppy, in particular, has taught me more about God’s grace and our relationship with Him than I ever expected.
(NOTE: This post is from the archives of my long-lost blog circa 2008. Recently, I rediscovered several articles and will be sharing them here.)
A Special Puppy with Special Needs
From the beginning, Peppy stood out. At first, we thought he was simply the runt of the litter, but soon it became clear he had unique challenges. Peppy is a rare dwarf, and his condition has left him deaf. This little one has a level of neediness that matches his tiny stature. Without the ability to hear, Peppy craves constant touch and connection.
Because of his need for closeness, Peppy has become my constant companion. He spends much of the day in my lap, soaking up affection, or perched nearby in a box on the counter as I cook or fold laundry. His trust and reliance on me are a constant reminder of how deeply we, too, are designed to depend on our Creator.
Adapting Communication
Caring for Peppy has stretched me in beautiful ways. I’ve had to learn to adapt my communication, diving into books about deaf dogs and even practicing sign language. Since Peppy can’t hear my voice, I’ve added a bell to his collar to keep track of him. To get his attention, I’ve discovered that stomping on the floor creates vibrations he can feel.
Meal times are a lesson in patience. While my whistle gathers the rest of our animals, it has no effect on Peppy. Instead, I hold up his bowl to catch his eye and use a simple hand sign to teach him the word for food. It’s slow work, but every small breakthrough feels like a gift.
Seeking the Light
Each evening, I let Peppy outside to explore. When it’s time for him to come in, he can’t hear my call. Instead, I flicker the porch light or use a flashlight to signal him. Sometimes I find him crying in the dark, searching for me. These moments pierce my heart, reminding me of Psalm 119:176: I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant.
The Spiritual Parallel
Peppy’s story mirrors our relationship with God. Just as Peppy relies on my touch, signals, and light to guide him, we must rely on God’s voice and Word to direct our paths. Yet, how often do we allow sin or busyness to deafen us to His whispers?
Jesus said, He who has ears to hear, let him hear (Mark 4:9). God speaks to us continually through His Spirit, His Word, and the circumstances around us, but we must remain spiritually alert. When we are distracted or distant, He mercifully comes after us, shining His light into our darkness, calling us back to Him.
Barriers to Hearing God
Sin and busyness are two of the greatest barriers to hearing God’s voice. Unconfessed sin, such as unforgiveness, clogs our spiritual ears. Likewise, a life packed with noise and endless activity leaves little room for stillness before Him. But when we repent and make time to listen, we open ourselves to the intimacy and guidance God longs to give.
Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). In the stillness, we recognize His voice and experience the joy of knowing Him not just in our minds but in the depths of our hearts.
Listening Leads to Obedience
Hearing God is only the beginning; responding in obedience is the fruit. James reminds us, Do not merely listen to the Word… Do what it says (James 1:22). Treasuring God’s Word in our hearts equips us to live lives of holiness, love, and purpose.
Lessons from Peppy
Peppy’s short time with us was a gift. Though his life was brief, he left an indelible mark, teaching me to listen more intently to God and to trust Him as Peppy trusted me.
As Matthew Henry wrote, “There is none so deaf as he who will not hear.” Let us open our spiritual ears to the Father’s voice, laying aside distractions and sin, so we may walk closely with Him.
Peppy may be gone, but his legacy of love and dependence reminds me daily of my own need for God’s guidance and grace. May his story encourage you to listen, trust, and follow the loving call of your Shepherd.