Seeking Truth in a World of Propaganda


In today's world, propaganda and misinformation are rampant. Fear, rejection, and persecution can silence us from speaking the truth. However, God's Word encourages us to be bold and courageous, for He is always with us. In this article, we will explore the importance of seeking truth and speaking it in love, even when it's difficult.

The Power of Truth

Truth is a powerful force that has the ability to transform lives, bring hope and freedom to those around us, and reflect God's character. When we speak the truth, we are not just conveying information, we are also revealing the heart of God. Truth has the power to:

  • Set us free from bondage and deception (John 8:32)
  • Bring light to darkness and understanding to confusion (Psalm 119:130)
  • Heal emotional and spiritual wounds (Psalm 30:2-3)
  • Build trust and foster healthy relationships (Proverbs 22:1)
  • Bring glory and honor to God's name (1 Samuel 2:30)

Concealing the truth, on the other hand, can lead to treachery and deception (Proverbs 29:12). When we hide or distort the truth, we risk damaging relationships, undermining trust, and promoting harmful consequences.

Honesty and integrity are essential in our words and actions. They are the foundation upon which trust is built and relationships are fostered. When we speak the truth in love, we demonstrate our commitment to honesty and integrity, and we reflect God's character to those around us.

In a world where truth is often compromised, it's essential to remember the power of truth and the importance of honesty and integrity. By speaking the truth in love, we can bring hope and freedom to those around us and reflect God's character to a world in need. May we be bold and courageous in our pursuit of truth, and may our words and actions bring glory to God's name.

The Consequences of Propaganda

Propaganda and misinformation can have harmful consequences, damaging relationships and undermining trust. It's essential to be aware of the sources of information we consume and to seek truth from reliable sources.

Courage to Speak Up

Speaking the truth in love requires courage, especially when it's uncomfortable or difficult. We must trust in God's presence and guidance, remembering that His truth is a powerful weapon that can transform lives. The Psalmist declared, "Let the truth of your promises revive me" (Psalm 119:154).

The Role of the Convention of States

One significant way to stand for truth in our nation is by supporting the Convention of States movement. This initiative seeks to restore constitutional governance and uphold the principles of truth and justice that our country was founded upon. By signing the Convention of States petition, you can join others in calling for necessary changes that align with the values of honesty and integrity. My husband and I are active volunteers for this movement, and we strongly encourage you to learn more and consider adding your voice to this crucial cause.

What We Can Do

  1. Educate Yourself and Others
    Learn about the history of propaganda and its tactics to recognize and resist similar patterns today. Share this knowledge widely.
  2. Sign the Petition
    Sign the Convention of States petition, which calls for a return to constitutional governance and the principles of truth and justice. 
  3. Seek Diverse Information Sources
    Don't rely on a single, biased source. Many mainstream media outlets, such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC, are known for spreading misinformation and propaganda. To gain a well-rounded perspective, explore multiple viewpoints, especially from independent and international media.

    For more truthful reporting, consider Christian news sources like Real America's VoiceDaily Wire, or CBN. Additionally, share these alternative sources with your friends and family to help them break free from the echo chambers of mainstream media. Encourage them to seek the truth and engage in discussions about what they learn, fostering a community that values accuracy and honesty in information.
  4. Promote Critical Thinking
    Encourage questioning and analysis of information, teaching the next generation to discern truth from manipulation.
  5. Support Free Speech
    Champion platforms that promote open dialogue and resist censorship. Engage with diverse viewpoints to prevent ideological isolation.
  6. Hold Media and Leaders Accountable
    Demand transparency and integrity from media outlets and political leaders. Use your voice to challenge misinformation.
  7. Support Independent Journalism
    Back independent journalists who risk exposing the truth, free from corporate or governmental influence.
  8. Stay Active in Your Community
    Get involved locally, participate in discussions, and support grassroots efforts to uphold truth and freedom.

In these times, it’s not just awareness but action that counts. By staying informed, fostering open dialogue, and promoting critical thinking, we can protect our freedoms and ensure that truth prevails over manipulation. Every small effort contributes to building a society that values truth, freedom, and justice for all.


Seeking truth and speaking it in love is crucial in today's world. We must be bold and courageous, trusting in God's presence and guidance. By speaking the truth, we build trust, foster healthy relationships, and honor God. Let us not be afraid to speak the truth, even when it's hard. May God's truth be our guide and strength as we seek to speak boldly and lovingly in all circumstances.