Loving Through Political Division

forgive love politics trump

I was sitting at a table with my husband at his high school reunion when I received an alert on my phone: President Trump had been shot. I shared the shocking news with the group, only to hear someone make a nasty wisecrack. I was stunned. How could anyone sink so low as to express hate over someone being shot?

I have had to unfriend several people on Facebook because it tears me up to see well meaning people spread propaganda. 

Loving Through Division

In these times of deep political division, it's challenging to maintain loving thoughts, especially when we see well-intentioned family members spreading propaganda. The situation can be likened to the spread of leprosy in biblical times—a contagious disease that could cause significant harm if not addressed with care. Just as not everyone exposed to leprosy would contract it, not everyone exposed to propaganda will adopt its beliefs.

We should be thankful if we haven't been swayed by misinformation, just as one would be grateful for good health in the face of a leprosy outbreak. This gratitude can fuel our compassion and guide us in how we respond to those who have been influenced.

Compassion Over Condemnation

Instead of shunning or blaming those affected by propaganda, we must approach them with empathy and understanding. Much like someone suffering from leprosy needs care and support, those who have fallen prey to misinformation need our compassion and patience.

A Path Toward Truth

We must remember that everyone has the potential to be influenced by misinformation. Recognizing this common vulnerability allows us to extend grace and support to each other. Our journey toward truth and awareness is shared, and it's essential to help one another with kindness and empathy.

By treating each other with the same compassion that Jesus showed to the lepers, we can heal the divisions among us and move towards a more united and understanding community.

Finding Strength in God's Love

I must admit, loving others during times of political division has been a significant struggle for me. The constant barrage of conflicting opinions and heated debates often leaves me feeling frustrated and disconnected from those around me. In these moments, I am reminded of the comforting verse, "When I am weak, He is strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10). This scripture reassures me that I don't have to rely on my own strength to navigate these challenging times.

Recognizing my own shortcomings and the difficulty I have in maintaining a loving attitude, I turned to prayer. I prayed for forgiveness for the moments when my heart hardened, for the times I let anger and frustration overshadow my love for others. I asked God to fill my heart with His love, a love that surpasses all understanding and transcends political divides.

Through prayer, I sought not only forgiveness but also the capacity to see beyond the differences that separate us. I asked for the strength to approach every conversation with empathy and compassion, remembering that each person is a beloved child of God, deserving of love and respect.

By admitting my struggle and seeking God's help, I found a renewed sense of peace and a deeper capacity for love. It is through His strength that I can rise above the division and extend grace, understanding, and love to those around me, even in the midst of political turmoil.

Transforming Relationships

Consider a strained relationship, perhaps with a family member or colleague. The tension has built up over time due to misunderstandings, harsh words, and resentment. You decide to apply the principles of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. You start by being patient and kind, even when the other person is not. You avoid envy and boasting, choosing instead to celebrate their successes. You work on not being irritable or resentful, and you rejoice in the truth.

Over time, the relationship begins to transform. The other person responds to your loving actions, and the atmosphere between you changes. While it may not happen overnight, the persistent application of caring thoughts and actions rooted in biblical truth brings healing and restoration.

Not an Option

One of the most crucial steps in our Christian walk is learning to love and forgive others. 

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32 

This verse highlights the importance of forgiveness and love in renewing our minds. By letting go of bitterness, anger, and malice, and choosing to forgive and show compassion, we can experience a transformed mind and heart, aligned with God's character.

The Garden of Love

Imagine your mind as a garden. The thoughts you entertain are the seeds you plant. Loving thoughts are like seeds of beautiful flowers and nourishing vegetables. Your garden flourishes when you plant these seeds, tend to them, and water them regularly. However, if you plant seeds of envy, arrogance, or resentment, your garden becomes overrun with weeds, choking out the beauty and nourishment.

To cultivate a garden of love, you must intentionally plant seeds of patience, kindness, humility, and truth. This requires effort and care, just as tending to a garden does. Doing so creates an environment where love thrives and bears fruit.


Hebraic Insights on Love

The Hebrew word for love is “אַהֲבָה” (ahavah). In Hebrew, love is not just an emotion but an action. It involves giving and sacrificing for the benefit of others. This aligns with the biblical concept of love described in 1 Corinthians 13, where love is shown through patience, kindness, and selflessness.

In Deuteronomy 6:5, we are commanded to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” This commandment reflects the comprehensive nature of love in Hebraic thought—loving God and others with our entire being.

Supporting Bible Verses

There's no better source of wisdom than the Bible itself. Let’s explore additional verses that speak on the theme of loving thoughts:

 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.  Romans 12:9-10

This verse encourages us to let our love be sincere and to honor others above ourselves. Genuine love is an action that reflects our commitment to God and to each other.

Renew Your Mind Bubble Journal Class

Before you can effectively renew your mind, you must understand the spiritual landscape in which this renewal takes place. In the first three lessons, we build a comprehensive understanding of spiritual warfare: knowing our enemy, understanding our authority, and utilizing our God-given weaponry. This strategic approach ensures we are prepared to face any challenge, fortified by God's truth, power, and guidance. Join us today!