God's timing is always perfect. But we insist on doing things in our timing. Is it any surprise that we are stressed out? Our world is tearing apart, families are broken, friendships are severed, and 17% of American women are on anti-depressants. We turn to psychologists, counselors, and lawyers to try to sort out our troubles. And all the while, God patiently waits for us. He is the supreme advisor. He wants us to come to Him for advice, wisdom, and rest.
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Because we are human, waiting for God's perfect timing can be challenging. In fact, because of how busy our lives are, it's hard for us to wait for anything or anyone. What we want now is what we want. And thanks to technological progress, we can often get what we want immediately. Because of this, we are losing our patience and finding it harder and harder to know when God wants us to do something.
God has never been early or late. In fact, from before we are born until we take our last breath on earth, our all-powerful God is planning what He wants to do. He has complete control over everything and everyone from the beginning of time to the end of time. God's eternal plan, which He made before the world was made, hasn't been changed by anything that has happened in history.
Waiting on God strengthens us. Waiting for Him to work while keeping your gaze fixed on Him demonstrates that you genuinely believe in Him. If you say "I trust You" while anxiously trying to make things go your way, your words will ring hollow.
Our daily focus should be on God's will and His timing. Our faith puts life in God's hands out of respect and trust. Consider the story of Esther.
Queen Esther said, "For such a time as this." She trusted that God's timing would always be right and perfect. She had to wait for God to move in her life before she could save her people. If Esther hadn't waited for God and just done what she wanted, she might not have been able to save the Jews and might have been killed herself.
Purpose to be like Esther and learn how to listen for God's voice in the middle of hard times. God should be your first choice, not your last. Believe that He will help you. To hear God, you must maintain a listening attitude. Patience and perseverance are required: waiting in His Presence, eager to hear from Him.
Patience is a spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22). The Bible makes it clear that God is pleased with us when we show this virtue: "Be still before God and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7) because God is good to those who wait for Him (Lamentations 3:25). And how patient we are often shown how much we trust God's timing. We must remember that God works on His perfect and eternally set schedule, not ours.
We may go through pain or trouble at times, but when we trust the Lord and believe He will work in our lives, we will see why or what the point was. We'll see that when we trust God's perfect timing, we can overcome our problems and even help others.
When God is Silent
In God's silence, He is concerned with the answer we seek and our transformation. He desires that we be fully prepared to receive His truth. As a result, His revelations are precisely timed.
God hears His children when they cry out to Him, and He will answer them when it is right for Him to do so. God has good plans that will help us, not hurt us (Jeremiah 29:11).
Bible Tag 21 Prompt
As you stitch this week, pray for faith to trust God's timing. Include a fly stitch.
Helpful Links
- Verses on God's Timing
- Fly Stitch Tags on Instagram
- How to Create Fabric Tags (Videos) and a Freebie
- Slow Stich Bible Journal Facebook Group
- Bible Journal Love Facebook Group
My Tag 20
Prompt 20 was abiding and a braid stitch.