Steps to a Lasting Bible Reading Habit

bible classes bible journaling bible study membership

Discover the Joy of Daily Scripture

The Bible is a light to our path; without it, navigating life’s journey is like walking blind in the dark. Yet, in the rush of daily life, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by pressures and distractions. But what if you could start each day with divine guidance, grounding yourself in wisdom, strength, and peace?

There is power in  a daily Bible reading habit—it’s more than just a routine; it’s an invitation to walk in step with God, to hear His voice, and to let His Word shape your life.

God’s Word offers a steady anchor in a chaotic world. It is a source of truth, comfort, and direction. When you commit to reading the Bible daily, you prioritize your spiritual well-being to let God’s truth be the lens through which you see the world. The Bible isn’t just a collection of ancient texts—it’s the living, active Word of God, ready to speak directly to your heart.

To highlight the profound impact and timeless wisdom of engaging with Scripture, here are some powerful quotes from notable figures about the importance of Bible reading.

  • "The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals." — Charles C. Ryrie

  • "The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible." — Dwight L. Moody

  • "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face." — Ronald Reagan

  • "A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t." — Charles Spurgeon

  • "The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home." — Augustine of Hippo

  • "The Bible is not the light of the world, it is the light of the Church. But the world does not read the Bible, the world reads Christians! You are the light of the world." — Charles Spurgeon

  • "The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed." — Patrick Henry

The Power of Habit: Transforming Your Life, One Day at a Time

Habits have the power to shape our lives for better or for worse. By developing a daily Bible reading habit, you’re not just adding another task to your to-do list; you’re inviting transformation into every aspect of your life. The consistent intake of God’s Word will nourish your spirit, fortify your mind, and guide your decisions.

The number one thing you need to do is pray and ask God for the desire and discipline to make this habit a reality. Prayer opens your heart to God's guidance and aligns your will with His. As you commit to this practice, remember that it’s not about perfection but about persistence. Even on the days when it feels difficult, trust that God is at work in you, molding and shaping your character through His Word. With prayer as your foundation, each step you take in developing this habit will draw you closer to God, leading to a deeper, more vibrant faith. 

To help you on this journey, I encourage you to join the Bible Journal Classes membership, where you can immerse yourself in daily reading and Bible journaling. This platform offers a variety of classes tailored to your interests, making it easier than ever to build and sustain a Bible reading habit that will enrich your life.

Here’s How It Works

You have the option to deepen your experience by joining a monthly theme cohort* class within our Facebook group. Here, you can follow along with others who are studying the same theme, share insights, and encourage each other on your journey. This community aspect allows you to grow together, adding an extra layer of connection and support as you explore God's Word.

Choose Your Learning Path

  1. Historical Studies
  2. Topical Studies
  3. Holiday Studies

1. Historical Path

Journey through the 12 Bible Eras, from Creation to Missions. This annual journey starts in January, but you can jump in anytime. These classes offer a comprehensive view of God’s work throughout history, grounding your faith in the grand narrative of Scripture. 

2. Topical Path

Dive into ten 30-lesson courses focused on specific themes. Whether you’re drawn to studying Renewing Your Mind or exploring the depth of Proverbs 31, you can choose a new focus each month, keeping your study fresh and engaging.

3. Holiday Path

Learn about the Biblical Holidays and celebrate them with deep understanding. Each year, you’ll receive a reminder email a week before the holiday classes begin, allowing you to prepare and engage fully with the significance of these sacred times.

Learn and Grow on Your Schedule 

  1. Engage at Your Own Pace Life is busy, and routines vary, but that shouldn’t hinder your spiritual growth. With, you can log in and study whenever it suits you. The self-paced lessons are accessible from home or on the go, ensuring you can consistently engage with God’s Word regardless of your schedule.
  2. Immerse in Bible Journaling Every lesson at includes a Bible journaling example, providing creative ideas for documenting your spiritual journey. Whether you journal in a notebook, the margins of your Bible, or on a memory dex card, these suggestions will help you capture the essence of each verse. If journaling isn’t your style, detailed note-taking in a notebook can still enrich your study experience.
  3. Connect and Inquire Growth happens best in the community. Share your insights, ask questions, and encourage others in our Bible Journal Facebook Group. Whether you need clarification or want to share a revelation, this group is a vibrant space for deepening your understanding and connecting with fellow believers.

The Rewards: What You Can Expect

As you establish your daily Bible reading habit, you’ll experience profound spiritual growth. God’s Word will become a wellspring of wisdom, strength, and joy in your life. You’ll begin to see your circumstances, challenges, and relationships through the lens of Scripture, allowing His truth to guide and transform you.

This daily habit will also draw you closer to God. As you read and journal, you’ll notice your relationship with Him deepening. His voice will become more apparent, making His presence more tangible. Over time, the truths you discover will shape your thoughts, attitudes, and actions, aligning you with His will.

Keep Going: The Journey Is Worth It

There will be days when life feels too busy or the habit feels too hard to maintain. But I urge you—keep going. The journey of daily Bible reading is worth every effort. Each day you open the Bible, you invest in your spiritual health and relationship with God. And with the support of, you’ll have the tools, community, and inspiration to keep your habit strong.

Conclusion: Your Next Step

Today, take the first step towards a life anchored in God’s Word. Join the membership choose the path that speaks to your heart, and commit to daily engagement with Scripture. Whether you start with a single verse or dive into a full lesson, what matters is that you begin. This habit, once established, will not only transform your days but will lead to a life filled with the peace, wisdom, and joy that only God’s Word can provide.

Are you ready to begin your journey? The time to start is now.

This is a non-profit organization. All proceeds go to the development of new courses, scholarships, and resources for learners, all while providing crucial aid to Israel.

*A cohort is a group of people who come together to learn and grow through a shared experience. In the context of Bible journaling and study, a cohort refers to a group of participants who are all following the same study path or theme at the same time. By joining a cohort within our Facebook group, you can engage with others who are on the same journey, discussing what you’re learning, sharing insights, and offering mutual support. This collective learning experience helps to deepen your understanding and provides a sense of community as you explore God's Word together.