Bible Women Through the 12 Eras: A Hebraic Perspective

Exciting news! The new A Hebraic Perspective on Bible Women begins on November 1, inviting you to explore the lives of remarkable women in Scripture from a fresh, Hebraic perspective. In every lesson, you’ll see the "Era" in which each woman appears, grounding her story within a specific period in biblical history.

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This framework is based on the 12 Bible Eras, which we explore in depth in our 12 Bible Eras classes. By understanding these distinct periods, each woman’s story becomes part of a larger, unified tapestry of God’s work across time.

The 12 Bible Eras provide a roadmap that helps us see where each biblical figure fits into the overarching story of redemption. This chronological approach brings clarity and depth, allowing us to appreciate the context of each woman’s life and her role in God’s plan. As we journey through these eras — from Creation to the Missions Era — we’ll connect each lesson to its place in biblical history, enriching our understanding and drawing personal lessons that resonate with our own lives.

By following this structure, we can see how God’s faithfulness and love transcend centuries, inspiring us through the lives of these women. Each era reveals unique lessons, from the endurance and courage of the Patriarch Era to the devotion and humility seen in the Gospel Era. Through this journey, we’ll uncover timeless truths embedded in the lives of these women, encouraging us to embrace God’s calling in our own era.

Understanding the Bible chronologically offers a unique and powerful approach to Bible study, especially for women seeking to deepen their faith and grasp the entirety of God’s narrative. 

Bible Women Bible Journal Kit

Once you purchase the Bible Woman Class or the Membership you have the option to get the Bible Woman Bible Journal Kit at 50% off with class coupon. 

The 12 Eras of Biblical History

Each of the 12 historical Bible eras provides a snapshot of God’s relationship with humanity and the spiritual journey of His people. Here’s an overview of these eras and their importance in a chronological study of the Bible:

  1. Creation Era: The foundation of God’s relationship with humanity, showcasing His creative power, sovereignty, and desire for fellowship with mankind. This era lays the groundwork for understanding our identity and purpose.

  2. Patriarch Era: Centered around figures like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, this era reveals God’s promises and His covenant with His chosen people, setting the stage for the formation of Israel.

  3. Exodus Era: The miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt illustrates God’s power and faithfulness. This era highlights the establishment of the Mosaic Law, a critical point for understanding God’s standards of holiness and justice.

  4. Conquest Era: Led by Joshua, the Israelites conquer the Promised Land, symbolizing God's fulfillment of promises and showing the importance of faith and obedience.

  5. Judges Era: In this turbulent time, Israel cycles through periods of faithfulness and disobedience, teaching lessons about the consequences of sin and the necessity of godly leadership.

  6. Kingdom Era: The reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon mark a unified kingdom, illustrating both the potential and pitfalls of earthly kingship. This era emphasizes the need for a just ruler, pointing forward to Jesus as the ultimate King.

  7. Exile Era: Following disobedience, Israel and Judah are exiled, symbolizing judgment and loss, but also hope in God’s promises to restore and redeem.

  8. Return Era: The remnant returns to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple, exemplifying God’s mercy and the restoration of worship, community, and identity.

  9. Silence Era: The 400 years between the Old and New Testaments are filled with political and cultural shifts. This era reminds us that even in silence, God is preparing the world for His Son.

  10. Gospel Era: The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ mark the fulfillment of prophecy and the beginning of a new covenant. This era is central to our faith, revealing God’s love and salvation for all.

  11. Church Era: The Acts of the Apostles introduces the birth of the Church, as believers spread the Gospel. This era shows the power of the Holy Spirit and the growth of God’s kingdom on earth.

  12. Missions Era: The letters of the New Testament, coupled with the spread of Christianity, call believers to continue the mission of Christ. This era connects us directly to God’s purpose for His people today.

Why Study the Bible Chronologically?

Reading the Bible as a single, cohesive story helps us appreciate the progression of God’s work with His people. It allows us to experience the Bible not as isolated books and verses, but as a living narrative that crescendos toward redemption and the ultimate mission of the church. For women studying the Bible, this method offers insights into God’s intentions, guiding us to see where we fit within this sacred history. It provides context to familiar stories, explains the significance of various covenants, and strengthens our grasp of biblical themes like redemption, judgment, and grace.

Why the 12 Eras Are an Excellent Framework for Bible Study

Studying the Bible through these 12 eras allows for a balanced view of God’s redemptive plan across history. Each era connects to our lives in unique ways, offering lessons in faith, obedience, and the character of God.

  • Clarity: Following the Bible’s events in order helps prevent confusion about timelines, people, and places. It contextualizes God’s actions and intentions within history.

  • Thematic Continuity: The 12 eras emphasize recurring themes like covenant, redemption, justice, and grace, helping us see the Bible as one unified message of God’s love and salvation.

  • Personal Application: Each era includes lessons and warnings that apply to our spiritual walk. Whether it’s trusting God in a season of silence or finding strength in times of exile, the 12 eras give us a relevant, spiritual roadmap.

  • Inspiration and Motivation: This approach fosters a desire to study further, to see “what happens next” in God’s grand story. It’s a journey that inspires us to grow closer to God, understanding His faithfulness and calling on our lives.

12 Eras in 12 Months

You can begin studying the 12 Bible Eras at any time, following your own pace, or join us in January for a year-long journey—exploring a new era each month from January through December.

As we study the Bible through this framework, let us remember that we, too, are part of this continuing story, invited to know, love, and serve our Creator through each page of Scripture.

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