When I am anxious or experiencing adversity, I want to run away. In Psalm 55:6, David echoes my feelings: "That I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” I want to go to a place I feel protected and at peace. A place where someone loves me and will meet my needs. Where I feel secure.
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 31:8
In Psalm 91, the psalmist declares his choice to seek refuge in God. He resolves to seek out this beautiful blessing. He will make the Lord his stronghold and sanctuary. He will have faith in him. The psalmist affirms his faith in God's protection, which deflects imminent danger, such as conflict and fatal disease, and the fear of it. Those who seek refuge in God will stay immune to evil.
The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91:1
The person who lives under the protection of El Elyon, the Most High God, resides in his shadow. The word ster, which translates as "protection," is better translated as "hidden place," that is, a place of privacy and protection; it is akin to the idea in Psalms 32:7 and 119:114 that the Lord is the hiding place of his people.
Relying on God as our refuge does not protect us from trouble. Instead, it assures us that we will not be alone in adversity because the Lord is with us. Through the twists and turns of uncertainty, we experienced God's provision and protection.
Paul stated that he was "pressed on every side, but not crushed... tormented, but not abandoned" (2 Corinthians 4:8–9). How reassuring it is to have God as our "refuge and strength, a very present assistance in affliction" (Psalm 46:1). This is intimacy when we most require it. The objective of God's providence is not to make us comfortable but to mold us to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29). Each of God's children is called to develop a Christlike personality.
“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
Psalm 91:14
Week 9 Prompt
As you stitch your Bible tag this week, thank God for His trustworthiness, protection, and unfailing presence. Ask for strength to realize that we need not live our lives in fear or discouragement, for He is our refuge. Use a verse about God's protection and include seed stitching.
I continue to experiment with printing on fabric. I used Protection verses from my shop, sized (to fit a 6x3.5 inch tag), colored (to match my fabric) then printed on fabric. Very pleased. You may need to adjust your color setting to get a true color match.
Use the Coupon Code PROTECT50 for 50% Off.
Helpful Links
- Verses on Protection
- Five Stitches for Hand Lettering Video
- Printing on Fabric Video
- Printing on Fabric with Freezer Paper
- Slow Stich Bible Journal Facebook Group
- Bible Journal Love Facebook Group
- Seed Stitch Ideas on Instagram
- Seed Stitch ideas on Pinterest
Seed Stitch Tutorial
My Tag from Week 8
The week eight prompt was Shema (hear or listen) and yoyos. See more in the Facebook Group.