41 Million Strong: Christians, It’s Time to Vote


As the 2024 election draws near, an astonishing 41 million Christians in America have chosen not to vote—a number that should shake us to the core. Among them, 32 million regularly attend church, yet they remain disengaged from a process that could dramatically impact our nation’s future. This election isn't just about policies; it’s about restoring values and leading our nation back to biblical truth.

The Call to Action: A Biblical Mandate

The Bible is clear about our responsibility to care for our communities. Jeremiah 29:7 reminds us to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you… for in its welfare, you will find your welfare.” If we choose silence, we allow ungodly principles to take root, putting the spiritual and moral direction of our country in jeopardy. Now is the time to act—to rise up and fulfill our God-given responsibility to vote.

Just as the Israelites prayed for the good of their city, we too are called to care for our nation. Voting is one way we can ensure that the values we hold dear are reflected in our leadership. When we step into the voting booth, we are not just choosing candidates—we are shaping the future of our country’s moral compass.

Overcoming Disillusionment

Many Christians feel disillusioned with politics. Studies show that 68% of those who abstain from voting say they lack interest in politics, while 57% express frustration with the available candidates. But disillusionment is no excuse for inaction. Romans 13:1 reminds us that “there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” By voting, we honor God’s sovereignty, even in a flawed system.

A Voice for the Voiceless

This election is about more than choosing candidates; it’s about standing for the vulnerable and promoting justice. Proverbs 31:8-9 calls us to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves… defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Our vote is a tool for advocating policies that protect the defenseless and reflect biblical values.

What Can You Do?

Encourage Others to Vote Biblically: Start by engaging in conversations with fellow believers. Share how Scripture informs your decisions and encourage others to do the same. Sometimes, a simple reminder is all it takes to help someone recognize the importance of their vote.

Talk to Church Leaders: Ask your pastors to speak about the importance of voting during upcoming services. Many believers look to their spiritual leaders for guidance on how to align their civic responsibilities with their faith. This is a powerful opportunity to mobilize your church to vote.

Pray: Scripture instructs us to pray for those in authority so “we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Pray for wisdom, for godly leaders to rise, and for our nation to turn back to biblical truth.

Join Local Efforts: The 32 million Christians who regularly attend church but are unlikely to vote could change the outcome of this election. Join with local efforts to mobilize these potential voters. Remind them of the significance of fulfilling their civic duties and standing for biblical principles.

Now is the Time

We have a biblical mandate to participate in the welfare of our communities and nation. By voting, we help ensure that God’s will is done on earth. The stakes are high, but there is still time to make a difference. Let’s rise to the occasion, encourage our fellow believers, and ensure that our values are represented at the polls this November.

Together, we can make our voices heard, honor our faith, and influence the direction of our country. Let’s take action, stand for justice, and vote for leaders who reflect God’s truth.

The Trump Policies That Earned My Vote

Read this article here.



Kamala Harris, who rose to political power through sleeping with a married man, supports taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners, including those on death row, costing thousands of dollars. This fact combined with allowing tens of thousands  through the border, and pushing baby killing should be enough to motivate any Christian to RUN to the polls. Vote early, do not wait.